Services – Erika Doula



What is a doula? Doula is a Greek word meaning “a woman who serves”.

A birth doula is a woman who has experience with birth and provides continuous physical, emotional and informational support to the pregnant woman before, during and immediately after birth.


“Birth is normal, natural and healthy.”

The goal of childbirth education is important not only to increase your knowledge and skills, but also to strengthen your confidence and ability to give birth.

Lamaze classes will prepare you to give a better welcome to your baby.


We promote, protect and support breastfeeding! We mission is to help each mom reach her own personal breastfeeding goals.

We want to help moms feel confident, relaxed and empowered about their breastfeeding experience.

Frequently asked questions

A Labor Doula is an experienced professional who provides continuous labor support, both physical and emotional, to the mother and partner. 

Absolutely not.  Doulas know birth.  Your partner knows you.  Together, we make the best possible team to support you and help you navigate the journey of your birth.  Doulas help partners as well.  Often times, when a mother needs support in labor, the partner wants to help but doesn’t know how.  This is where the Doula can help the partner know what to do when, so the partner also has confidence in his/her role during the birth.  And as questions arise during labor, the doula can reassure the partner when things are normal, or when something needs attention.  Doulas can also help partners navigate the confusing options that come up during birth.  And doulas can give partners a break if they want one.

No, a doula provides no medical, since she doesn’t have these responsibilities, or other patients to attend to, she can give her complete attention to being by a woman’s side for the entire length of her labor.

A doula clarifies the labor stages and guides you in communication with your medical team of doctors, nurses, or midwives. She fosters tranquility and is trained to support you during labor with soothing techniques to ease discomfort and promote safe progress. As labor draws near, a doula coaches expectant birthing families on comfort and relaxation techniques, offers nurturing emotional support, provides information on labor and the birth, and offers information about options and medical procedures available during labor. While other staff on your medical team will need to tend to other patients,  A doula never leaves your side.wor

Once you retain your doula, she is committed to serving you whether your baby is born before or after the estimated due date.

The most satisfying birth experiences happen when you, your partner, and your family are physically, emotionally and mindfully prepared for each birthing stage: prenatal, labor and postpartum.

Lamaze is not just about breathing. Lamaze childbirth classes prepare you for a safe, healthy birth by providing the most current, evidence-based information, simplifying birth and helping you navigate the maze of modern maternity care. Be wary of classes that spend a lot of time practicing relaxation and breathing and little or no time building your confidence, discussing how to keep things simple or how to have the safe, healthy birth you want in the birth setting you have chosen.

According to Lamaze International

-Birth is normal, natural and healthy.

-The experience of birth profoundly affects women and their families.

-Women’s inner wisdom guides them through birth.

-Women’s confidence and ability to give birth is either enhanced or diminished by the care provider and place of birth.

-Women have the right to give birth free from routine medical interventions.

-Birth can safely take place in homes, birth centres and hospitals.

-Childbirth education empowers women to make informed choices in health care, to assume responsibility for their health and to trust their inner wisdom.

This philosophy is based on the organization’s six care practices that support normal birth:

1.Labour begins on its own.

2.Freedom of movement throughout labour.

3.Continuous labour support.

4.No routine interventions.

5.Spontaneous pushing in upright or gravity-neutral positions.

6.No separation of mother and baby after birth with unlimited opportunity for breastfeeding.

Attending a Lamaze class will also give you the opportunity to meet families expecting babies around your due date.

Once you attend classes, own the choices you make. Trusting your instincts during labour is great preparation for parenting!

The following topics are all covered in our Lamaze courses:

-The basic anatomy and physiology of pregnancy

-Stages and phases of labour

-Birth location options

-What to take to the hospital

-How to tell if you are in labour and when to go to the hospital (if you are choosing a hospital birth)

-Comfort measures for the physical discomforts of late pregnancy

-Physical changes in your body during the 3rd trimester

-The role of hormones in labour and postpartum

-Comfort measures such as breathing, use of heat and cold, hydrotherapy, massage, counter-pressure and positioning in labour

-The role of pain in labour and how to work with it

-Communication skills to help you work most effectively with your health care providers

-Common hospital procedures and interventions

-Caesarean birth

-The importance of continuous emotional and physical support

-Relaxation and visualization techniques

-Beneficial positions for pushing and delivery

-The postpartum period for mother, her partner and baby


-Newborn care

Breastfeeding is a natural process but can also present us with unique challenges we haven’t dealt with before.  It is crucial to get early assistance with breastfeeding if you are experiencing difficulties such as (but not limited to) trouble latching on, pain during a feed, concerns regarding milk supply or your baby has insufficient weight gain.  An IBCLC can help you overcome many of these challenges by providing you with expert advice and the support you need to have a fulfilling breastfeeding experience. 

There are MANY benefits to breastfeeding for both a mother and her infant a few of which are:

-Breast milk contains everything your baby needs for the first 6 months of life

-Breast milk is created and specifically tailored to your baby

-Breastfeeding reduces the risk of SIDS

-Breast milk is always available and at the perfect temperature

-Breast milk helps to protect baby from many illnesses (including stomach viruses, lower respiratory illnesses, ear infections and meningitis)

-Breast milk helps to protect baby from allergies

-Research has shown that breastfeeding may boost your child’s intelligence

-Breastfeeding helps to protect your child from obesity

-Breastfeeding decreases post-partum depression in mothers

-Breastfeeding decreases the risk of certain cancers in mothers (breast and ovarian)

The acronym IBCLC stands for “International Board Certified Lactation Consultant“, an allied healthcare professional who has robust hands-on training and education in evidence-based breastfeeding management. An IBCLCs preparation and practice is governed by the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners. IBCLCs are experts in anticipating and preventing breastfeeding issues, and they help families restore breastfeeding when issues present throughout the duration (no matter how long) of a family’s breastfeeding season. For this reason, IBCLCs are relied upon by obstetric, midwifery, pediatric, pediatric dentistry, speech pathology, and neonatology providers. In addition, community breastfeeding supporters such as support group leaders, breastfeeding peer counselors, doulas, etc. refer families to IBCLCs routinely.

IBCLCs are part of the health care team, they’re the “boob doctors.” They help mothers with all kinds of breastfeeding related issues such as latching, cracked nipples, increasing/decreasing milk supply, breast anomalies, cleft palates, assessing tongue ties, an advocate and support, plus much more. Knowing the ins and outs of breastfeeding can help you no matter what issues you may face. IBCLCs can work in a variety of settings such as WIC clinics, hospitals, birthing centers, or private practice.

Our clients say

Erika's patients are by far and away the most competent, confident and peaceful mothers I come in contact with at the El Paso Baby Cafe. Erika has a very unique set of skills that very few others have; add her quality certifications and language skills to her loving, thoughtful, open-minded character and I cannot imagine a better birth attendant, educator and lactation consultant. Any woman would be lucky to have Erika involved in her pregnancy / birth /lactation experience. I can practically guarantee that it will be the best decision she makes.
Lizabeth Berkeley
Director of the El paso baby cafe
When our original home birth plans fell through at the last minute, my husband and I were feeling stressed and unprepared. Fortunately, we were referred to Erika by a friend who had just had a baby. We felt comfortable and reassured by her warmth and energy. She was extremely knowledgable and supportive of our desire for as natural a birth as possible in a hospital setting. She had also worked with our wonderful midwife before, which was a big plus. When I went into labor 6 days past due, Erika helped me labor outside of the hospital for 8 hours. Once we got to the hospital, my progress slowed down and I labored for another 24 hours. I know she must have been tired and sleep-deprived, but she was energized and supporting me throughout the entire process. When our baby finally made his appearance, she even remembered to take photos. We felt that in the end, things turned out even better than our original birth plan, and I am so thankful that Erika was a part of it.
lleen,Chuck and Noah Park
Curso psicoprofiláctico con Erika García
- Por qué fue la decisión de tomar el curso psicoprofiláctico?

Nos interesamos por el tema de que somos papás primerizos y queríamos conocer todo lo que se nos presentaría en el transcurso del embarazo y parto y Erika al presentarse nos convenció por su profesionalismo y super linda.

- Cómo nos sentimos durante las clases?
Fue una experiencia bastante interesante de mucho aprendizaje en general y detalle de las etapas del embarazo y parto que nos condujo a un aprendizaje sin mitos y realidades del embarazo/parto con material didáctico ya sea vídeos, presentaciones, juegos, ejercicios y diálogo donde siempre se contestaban nuestras dudas con ejemplos y o experiencias.
Nuestra experiencia fue muy bonita, divertida, amorosa y diferente ya que el final de las últimas 3 sesiones fueron atrás ves de Zoom debido a la pandemia sin embargo siguió el curso su temática y las mismas dinámicas.
Creemos que es importante que la pareja tome el curso ya que podrá entender y ayudar a la mamá en cualquier momento de desesperación. Mi pareja aprendió todo lo que puede y va a pasar debido a los cambios del cuerpo y hormonales y así estar preparado con apoyo moral y físico durante el embarazo y parto ya que es una situación nueva y estresante, pero se puede llevar de manera más tranquila y tomar decisiones informadas debido al curso.
También tomamos el curso de lactancia en el momento que la bebé ya estaba con nosotros y a mí como mamá la verdad me ayudó y tranquilizó bastante con varias técnicas y apoyo siempre también después de la visita. Ya que yo estaba a dos de decir adiós a la lactancia, pero me di cuenta de que realmente es súper importante para el crecimiento del bebé y la super conexión que hacen mamá y bebé.
Daniela y Alejandro